Leadership Team

Rev Stephen Johnston

E-mail Rev Stephen Johnston

Hello – my name is Stephen Johnston and I am the minister of Kilkeel Presbyterian Church. My wife is called Ruth and we have 3 sons. I come from County Antrim and started my ministry in East Belfast, then went to work in South East Ireland for 11 years and in 2004 came back north to the Kingdom of Mourne in South County Down.

My role in the church is to teach the Bible and proclaim the Good News about Jesus Christ and His love for us. I also seek to bring spiritual support and encouragement to those connected with the church. But in addition to this, I have a desire to engage with wider society and people across the community because the Christian message I represent is for all people – not just Presbyterians!

We live at a time when many people are uncertain about faith and maybe even quite sceptical and cynical. I can understand that and empathise with those who are fed up with “religion”. I’m fed up with “religion” myself! That’s the reason I seek to get the message out to all people that the really important thing is not “religion”, or what denomination you belong to, but having a real and personal experience of the amazing grace of God.

I hope you like this website. If you would like to talk with me, I can be contacted by phone (028 4176 2321) or by email sjohnston@presbyterianireland.org

George McCullough

Clerk of Session

Ossie Wallace is our Clerk of Session. Among office-bearers in the Presbyterian Church, the Clerk of Session has long been seen to occupy a position of special significance.

David Orr


David Orr is our Church Treasurer. He is also a member of Kirk Session.

Catherine Speers

Church Secretary

Catherine Speers is Secretary of the Church Committee.