Please keep an eye on our Facebook page
for upcoming events and announcements.
Week beginning 20th January
Monday 6.00-7.00pm GB Explorers and BB Anchor Boys
7.00-8.45pm BB & GB Junior and Senior Sections
Tuesday 9.30-11.15am Mums & Tots
7.30pm Bowling Fellowship
Thursday 8.00pm Midweek—Faith Mission
—Report and Message from Andrew Maybin
Friday 7.30pm Bowling Fellowship
Sunday 26th January
Þ 10.15am Sunday School
Þ 10.15am Tea & Coffee served in The Meeting Room. Everyone welcome!
Þ 11.30am Visit of the Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Richard Murray
Þ 7.00pm Rev. Stephen Johnston
Þ 8.15pm YF