Presbyterianism is one branch of the world-wide Christian family. It is part of the “One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.” In the sixteenth century across Europe, with the rediscovery of the teaching in the Bible, a major change in Church life occurred. This was called the Reformation and the Presbyterian Church is a Reformed Church. This attempt to get back to New Testament teaching explains the term “Presbyterian”. The New Testament word for a Church leader is “presbuteros” from which “Presbyterian” is derived.

PCI LogoThe Presbyterian Church in Ireland believes that the supreme source of authority is the Bible as contained in the sixty six books of the Old and New Testaments. Presbyterians uphold and affirm the historic creeds (The Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed etc.) We exist to bring glory to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At the heart of our teaching is the conviction that Jesus Christ is central and that through His life, death and resurrection, people can be restored to a right relationship with God. We believe that becoming a Christian is about coming to trust and follow Christ as Saviour and Lord in a way which gradually changes our lives. Presbyterians observe two sacraments which they believe were instituted by Christ viz. Baptism and Communion (often described as the Lord’s Supper).

Baptism is open to believing adults and their children and is looked upon as a graphic illustration of the gospel. Communion is open to all from any Church who know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and are walking in fellowship with Him.

Anyone is welcome to attend our services of worship. A typical service is a time when people gather to praise God through the singing of Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (old and new), to pray and listen to the Bible being read, taught and applied to everyday life. It is an opportunity for people to meet with God and with each another.

Presbyterians have been in the Kingdom of Mourne since the1600’s and Kilkeel Presbyterian Church came into existence in the early 1820’s.

The Presbyterian Church is not just for Presbyterians! It is for anyone in the whole community who wish to come and all are welcome. If you would like to find out more you’ll be welcome at our worship on Sunday mornings and/or evenings — 11.30am and 7-00pm (11.00am in July & August). For any queries feel free to contact Rev. Stephen Johnston